Make every word a force for good

A blog to help you deepen relationships with your clients in ways that make them richer for knowing you.

The 3-part Framework for Perfectly Clear Copy that Converts

The 3-part Framework for Perfectly Clear Copy that Converts

Confusion kills conversions. That’s the hard truth. The harder truth? There’s usually much more that’s confusing about what you do, and who you do it for, than you realize. I just got off of a Free MindMeld call with an amazing client who offers a technology organization service that’s so good, I’m like TAKE MY MONEY RIGHT NOW! But, when we were discussing her one-page website, and drilling down to specifics, we ran into an all-too-familiar problem…

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5 Copywriting Formulas for Better Conversion Copy (and why some Freebie opt-ins SUCK)
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5 Copywriting Formulas for Better Conversion Copy (and why some Freebie opt-ins SUCK)

As I write this, I’m on minute 16 of a Freebie Opt-In “Masterclass” from one of the biggest copywriters in my niche - it promises to teach you “The 5 Must-Have copywriting formulas that will double your sales.” But I haven’t seen any formulas yet (now 20 minutes in).  I don’t want to call out another copywriter, because that’s not kind. But I am sick to death of Freebie Opt-ins that promise high value, and then wedge it into a few minutes in the middle of a LONG sales pitch…

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Anything But Business as Usual
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Anything But Business as Usual

Last Monday, my friend Nichole Elizabeth Demeré forwarded me an email from one of her favorite companies, Greetabl -- it's an online company that specializes in little thoughtful gifts you can send to a friend having a bad day, a business contact or client. They're basically a dollop of delight in a pretty package. But that was not what this email was about. It wasn't a "How We're Protecting You from Covid-19" form email either. Refreshing, right? 

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How can I support you?
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How can I support you?

Coronavirus has us on lockdown here in San Diego, and while I'm feeling isolated, I'm not feeling alone! We're in a collective pickle, and I'm feeling very 1940s Wartime these days. Make do and mend! Keep Calm and Carry On! Make jam! But mostly, I want to help my neighbors - you all - in any way I can. Because we all have to pull together right now. I find myself asking many of my friends "How can I support you?" And you're my friends, so I'd like to ask you the same thing…

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Blogger's Block

Blogger's Block

How hilarious is this stock photo? What are you DOING with that pineapple? And the giant graph paper? And the scissors? WHYYYYYYYYY????? You've probably noticed, but I don't update this blog regularly. That's a big no-no for SEO and marketing. The whole idea behind a blog, from the SEO/marketing perspective, is to bring in prospects by waxing poetic on specific keywords for your chosen niche - like "copywriter for coaches" (see what I did there? In the first paragraph too…

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